Today will be a day that will be remembered for quite some time. The Supreme Court let down the entire country with their decision to not even hear the election fraud case brought by the state of Texas and endorsed by 19 other states.
President Trump echoed that sentiment in a late night Tweet on Friday, declaring that the Supreme Court has let us down.
The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdom, No Courage!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2020
However, we can’t allow the Supreme Court’s lack of courage to cause us to lose our own. This fight is still going on, and the truth is we have more people behind the MAGA movement than many of us realize.
The media and the establishment have been waging a demoralization campaign against the MAGA movement for 4 years. Constant news stories and opinion pieces berating Trump supporters have flooded cable news and social media.
But despite this unprecedented demoralization campaign waged across all forms of media, the MAGA movement has grown and now encompasses the majority of America. This fact is something that must not be forgotten by Trump supporters. The election proved that our numbers are larger, and our movement has more momentum than the progressive left establishment.
President Trump was the candidate that smashed previous records for a sitting president, increasing his vote totals by an unprecedented amount considering the smear campaign waged against him. With nearly 75 million votes, Trump is the most popular president in history. The true vote totals are probably higher than 75 million when you factor in the proven fraud that switched votes from Trump to Biden.
In reality, Biden most likely barely topped 60 million real votes, and that’s with the help of a first-ever nationwide mail-in voting program which had zero verification or security. So even with all verification removed from voting, Biden still under performed badly along with the rest of the 2020 Democratic ticket.
But while I believe that Trump supporters already know all this, I think at some level they can still be tricked by the demoralization campaign that seeks to make them believe that they are the minority, and their beliefs, popularity, and growth are fading.
When the news runs stories about defeats in court such as what happened today, Trump supporters can fall into the trap of thinking their movement is losing steam. But we have to remain strong and find comfort in the fact that such a belief is the result of demoralization efforts. The truth is our numbers are growing faster than any other political movement in America’s history. We are the majority and the election numbers prove that.
All of this isn’t conjecture, the numbers are there for all to see. Without the mail-in voter fraud and software manipulation, Biden and his message would have been beaten soundly. This shows the MAGA movement represents the majority across the country.
So as we regroup after the Supreme Court showed a true lack of courage, we must not be fooled into losing our own. Our courage is not born of wishful thinking or media propaganda, but instead comes from the truth that our movement is the majority and it’s growing faster than ever.
We may have lost a battle, but the war is far from over and the numbers are clearly on our side moving forward. This is something we cannot forget.
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