As we keep hearing about skyrocketing covid-19 cases (again) and more talk of field hospitals which never end up getting used (again), there is an interesting fact about the testing procedure most people may not be aware of.
The testing being done for covid-19 is referred to as a PCR test. This stands for polymerase chain reaction. Without going into excruciating detail, what this method basically does is “culture” a very tiny amount of RNA (first converted to DNA) found in a specimen and amplifies it through a series of “cycles” until enough is present to study, or in this case detect. Each cycle exponentially amplifies whatever fragment of DNA was in the original specimen.
The problem is that these PCR methods were originally invented so that scientists could study the tiniest trace amount of DNA found in ancient artifacts and samples. A method was needed to amplify these tiny trace amounts of DNA so that they could be studied. This is what the PCR method was developed for.
As you can start to understand now, the very method of PCR is designed to amplify DNA, not just detect its presence. The original goal of PCR was that if you had a tiny fragment of DNA trapped in a rock or other artifact, you could use PCR to amplify it enough to get a usable sample.
Going back to the earlier description of PCR where different “cycles” are used to culture and reproduce the DNA, this is where things with covid-19 testing gets a little shady.
The covid-19 tests aren’t determining if you have the illness caused by covid-19, all the PCR test is doing is determining if you have any fragment, living or dead, of the covid-19 virus structure anywhere in your body.
Many covid-19 tests are running as many as 40 cycles just to obtain a measurable amount of covid-19 DNA. This many cycles most likely means that whatever fragment was originally in the test sample was either too minute to cause infection, or simply a dead fragment that is of no harm.
The bottom line is that the underlying technology for these covid-19 tests is to amplify otherwise insignificant amounts of DNA. They are literally designed to find something so small that its presence is of no consequence.
Many totally healthy people have such minute fragments from old viruses floating around in their bodies. If they were given these PCR tests to detect them, they would suddenly be diagnosed with a multitude of illnesses despite being totally healthy. If you run enough PCR cycles on any specimen from the human body, you can detect an old viral fragment of almost anything that person has come in contact with over the years.
Luckily, it looks like some states are waking up to this fraud. Florida has become the first state to require that testing laboratories disclose the amount of cycles and the cycle threshold used to determine a positive test result. Although it’s shocking that it has taken 10 months for any official to demand to know how many cycles these laboratories are using to find positive samples, at least it’s finally happening.
So as we continue to hear about “surging” cases, we have to keep in mind the very testing everyone is relying on. These tests were never meant to diagnose illness. Instead they were meant to amplify the tiniest amount of RNA so that it can be detectable whether that RNA fragment is a threat or not.
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