Dominion software, the company behind the vote counting computer systems which are at the center of two huge lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan, has finally decided to put out a formal statement on the issue.
But first, let’s not forget that this is the same Dominion which agreed to appear at a hearing in Pennsylvania to answer questions about their software, but then decided at the last minute to cancel and not show up at all.
So back to the statement regarding Sydney Powell’s lawsuits. Of course they deny any wrongdoing, which is no surprise. But what is very telling is the excuse they used in the very first paragraph to try to brush off the accusations.
Yes, in the very first paragraph and before making any factual statements, Dominion used the oldest obfuscation in history to cover up a conspiracy which is to claim that it would have to involve far too many people working together for the conspiracy to be true.
Below is the text from their statement, and is from the first paragraph:
“…Sidney Powell released what appears to be a very rough draft of a lawsuit against the Republican governor and secretary of state of Georgia alleging a bizarre election fraud conspiracy that—were it possible—would necessarily require the collaboration of thousands of participants, including state officeholders, bipartisan local elections officials, thousands of volunteer Election Day poll watchers in thousands of locations across the state of Georgia, federal and state government technology testing agencies, private elections service companies, and independent third-party auditors. This quite simply did not occur…”
For all my fellow truth-seekers out there, I’m sure you’ve become all too familiar with such a claim. Any coordinated nefarious activity is often shrugged off with the false claim that it would require too many people all working in concert for it to be successful. So therefore as the claim goes, that in itself disproves the accusations.
Of course, we all know this isn’t true at all. Some of the largest uncovered and proven conspiracies all started out with this same defense. When in reality, such events only truly require a few key people at the top to manage the activity, then the rest of the people below either fall in line or have no clue as to what the larger plan is.
Such things as rigging an election don’t require everyone involved to be working together and be in communication. Many people along the chain are simply following orders and instructions. If a poll worker is told to accept certain ballots, he is simply following orders.
In the case of Georgia, if poll workers are told a water pipe burst at the counting facility and they have to evacuate, they simply do it. They have no idea that people will still be allowed inside to reprogram the machines after everyone is gone.
Even worse for Dominion, in a later part of the statement they provide links to evidence they claims exonerates them. However, eagle-eyed users on the Pro-Trump message board thedonald.win spotted that those very documents expose the same vulnerabilities mentioned in Powell’s lawsuit.
From the document:
“Potentially, whenever a USB drive is inserted into the ICX machine it is automatically loaded, without a security check of the contents. This could mean that regardless of what is on that thumb drive it will be read and if an “.exe” file exists, it will be run.”

So right out of the gate, Dominion isn’t doing a great job defending themselves.
But back to Dominion’s original defense, I could go down the list of conspiracies which turned out to be true which were originally shrugged off due to the notion that such an operation would require too many people being involved. I suspect many people believe we are about to see the same thing unfold with Dominion’s voting systems.
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