If you’ve browsed YouTube at all over the last few years, you’ve been bombarded by scam advertisements on almost every video you watch. From scam get-rich-quick schemes to phony medical cures, YouTube is filled with false advertising and it’s almost impossible to avoid.
Considering YouTube has now declared itself the arbiter of what is true and what is “misleading” information, it seems strange that they would allow such blatantly false and obvious scams to run advertisements on their platform while they then ban channels and videos they disagree with under the guise of “misinformation”.
Below is an example of one of these questionable medical cures I’m sure you have seen on YouTube. It features a man named Christopher Walker who claims his supplements release “the real Wolverine” in those who take them.

Walker claims to be able to fix many common health issues with his own line of supplements that “increase bloodflow”. His advertisements show a montage of himself in a library next to stacks of books while equations are shown floating all around him. Apparently this is to demonstrate how he developed his Wolverine-releasing supplements.

Next we have an advertisement I’m sure you have seen. In Alex Becker’s commercials he claims you can make tens of thousands of dollars a day with his easy system, all with zero money invested and all by selling cheap Chinese junk via Facebook ads.

Becker uses the common technique of including a sports car in almost every one of his YouTube advertisements. This is often used by those peddling get-rich-quick schemes all over YouTube. In the advertisement referenced above, he claims his system can earn $211,000 dollars a week by selling coffee mugs on Facebook.
I could go on but I’m sure you have seen these advertisements enough already. YouTube is filled with them, mostly get-rich-quick schemes and phony fitness and health cures. All of which contain obvious and blatant misinformation meant to trick the viewer into buying an unproven product. A huge part of YouTube’s advertising has essentially become the internet’s version of late-night infomercials.
So if YouTube is so concerned with removing misinformation from its platform, why doesn’t it start with its own advertisers?
The reason is obvious, they could care less about misinformation or protecting their users from scams. They only use the whole notion of misinformation as an excuse to ban and censor content they don’t agree with on an ideological basis. Whether it be conspiracy related content or Conservative viewpoints YouTube simply disagree with it, they deem it all as “misinformation” so they can ban or censor it.
Just to be clear, I’m not calling for these questionable advertisers referenced above to be removed from YouTube. Instead, I use them as an example to expose the hypocrisy of YouTube and its claim to want to remove “misinformation” from its platform.
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